Weronika Rosiak-Jedz

I’m a passionate CX Consultant, an empathetic enthusiast of changes and continuous improvement

Through my work, I bring the voice of the customer/user into the projects and processes I engage in. I consistently encourage working on the customer journey map, which allows for a broader perspective to be uncovered. I moderate workshops and activities focused on human needs (Human-Centered Service Design), utilizing Design Thinking tools.

Experienced in CX projects and processes management in B2B & B2C models, worked for industries like IT (fintech), banking, consulting, healthcare (digital products). Specialized in aligning strategies with company goals and effectively integrating marketing product & service development activities. I've worked for Credit Agricole, Credit Suisse, EY and SimCorp. Recently setting global Customer Success standards in the IT industry and creating digital health products, B2B and B2C customer strategies at Oppa.

I can understand your challenges and expected outcomes as I worked on consulting and client sites, creating RFPs and participating in projects where partners were involved.

Conferences and events

which I have attended


Project realisation and collaboration with: